(Before watching the movie)

        I watched the making of this movie on Project Greenlight (3) on Bravo.  It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion over 9 episodes.  Not saying that the series was awful to watch but damn, you just couldn't look away.  It seemed if it could go wrong it would and did go wrong but somehow they pulled it together and made the movie that is sitting in DVD form on my coffee table now.  I would be lying if I said I didn't have mid-hopes for this movie (high expectations would be too much).

(After the movie)

        Well just got done watching the DVD and well... that's an hour and a half that I am never getting back.  I guess I would have enjoyed it more if I had kept my hopes low, very low.  Even more sad is the smattering of original and bright ideas that was just utterly wasted with bad acting, bad story, bad everything.  Not to mention a bunch of stuff that just didn't make any damn sense.

        If you have never heard of this movie, consider yourself lucky.
NOT the damned knife from World of Warcraft
SageClaw's Corner of the Internet
Feast - DVD